1. Pennie Partnership Survey

Pennie Partner Survey

Survey Purpose 

The purpose of this survey is to gather a directory of interested entities within Pennsylvania willing to partner with Pennie to achieve our goal of educating communities across the Commonwealth about the affordable, high-quality health coverage options through Pennie, PA’s official health insurance marketplace.  

Who can complete this survey?  

A manager or the lead of your organization.

What does “Partner with Pennie” mean? 

    • Partnering with Pennie can range from passing out information about the health insurance marketplace, to having employees becoming Pennie-certified assisters. It depends on your organizations’ resources and willingness.  
    • As Pennie seeks to reach more Pennsylvanians looking for health coverage, it is vital to have organizations that are well-established within local communities throughout PA to provide information about the benefits of having health insurance and the financial savings available for coverage through Pennie.  An insured Pennsylvania is a healthy Pennsylvania.   
    • By partnering with Pennie, you are improving the health and prosperity of not only your community, but the entire Commonwealth. We are looking for ambassadors to help spread the word of the benefits and affordability of health coverage on the marketplace to all communities, especially those who have been historically marginalized.