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Financial Savings!

Lower your monthly payments!

Nine out of 10 Pennie Customers qualify for financial savings. Think you won’t qualify for savings?  Think again! Watch the video or learn the basics below.

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Financial Savings Basics

If you qualify for financial savings, Pennie can help lower your monthly premium and/or out-of-pocket costs in two ways:  Advance Premium Tax Credits (APTC) and Cost-Sharing Reductions (CSR).

What’s an advanced premium tax credit?

An advanced premium tax credit (APTC) is an on-the-spot tax credit that lowers your monthly health insurance payment. When you apply for coverage through Pennie, you’ll estimate your expected income for the year. If you qualify for an APTC, you can use any amount of the credit in advance to lower your monthly payments.

What is my expected household income?

Start with your household’s adjusted gross income (AGI) from your most recent federal income tax return.  Adjust your estimate with any changes you expect.

Note: Be sure to include all the people in your household and any dependents, whether they need coverage or not.

What’s a cost-sharing reduction?

The cost-sharing reduction (CSR) helps to lower your out-of-pocket costs like deductibles and copayments. If you qualify, you must enroll in a plan in the Silver category to get the extra savings.



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